Pre-conference courses

SMT34 Pre-conference courses

Pre-conference courses will be operated by Labex Interactifs of Pprime Institute and will be given on Monday afternoon 12 April and Tuesday morning 13 April 2021.


1 - Surface modification for improved fluid solid interactions

Cost:  100 € + VAT 20% (before February 12, 2021) or 150 € + VAT 20% (after February 12, 2021)

Location:  IFMI Building (on the same location of SMT34)

Duration:  2 half-days

First half daySurface structuration techniques (04/12/2021)

  • 14h00-15h00:  Self-organized surface nanopatterning by low-energy ion-beam sputtering: experiments, simulations, and applications (Dr David Babonneau)
  • 15h15-16h15:  Surface properties improvement of metallic alloys by nitriding gaseous thermochemical treatments assisted by plasma or ion beam (Pr Luc Pichon)
  • 16h30-17h30:  Residual stress in thin films and coatings (Pr Grégory Abadias)

 Second half dayApplications of surface structuration (04/13/2021)

  • 9h00-10h00: Spectrally selective coatings for thermal applications (Dr Jérémie Drevillon)
  • 10h15-11h15: In situ diagnostics of surface and materials processing by plasmas (Dr David Pai)
  • 11h30-12h30: Surface texturation for low friction (Dr Noël Brunetière)


2 – Introduction to Focused Ion Beam

Cost (Focused Ion beam): to be announced

Location:  SP2MI Building (close to the location of SMT34, at about 300 m)

Duration: half a day

Available places: to be specified later

Session 1:   Monday afternoon April 12, 2021 (Prof. Ludovic Thilly).

Session 2:  Tuesday morning April 13, 2021 (Prof. Ludovic Thilly).

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