General presentation > Keynote speaker


Caroline_Sunyong_Lee_120_160.jpg Caroline Sunyong LEE

                                      Professor, Hanyang University, Korea


Caroline Sunyong Lee received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering in 1993 and 1995, respectively, from M.I.T., and the Ph.D. degree in 2001 from U.C. Berkley. And she worked as a senior research scientist in Advanced Research Institute of LG, Korea. Since 2006, she has been working at Hanyang University as a professor in the department of Materials and Chemical Engineering. Her main research field is developing and applying dry deposition and nano material synthesis to various energy devices. Especially, her present research interests include investigating mechanism of particle deposition and scaling up of electrochromic device for the application of smart window.

Title of presentation:

Progress in dry deposited Multi-materials for Smart windows and Other applications


Prof_Jian_Lu_CityU_120_170.jpg Jian LU

                                      Professor, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Jian Lu is Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Vice-President (Research &Technology) and Dean of graduate study at the City University of Hong Kong (CityU). He obtained the Dip. Ing., Master (DEA) degree and Doctoral degree from University of Technology of Compiegne in 1984 and 1986 respectively. After being Senior Research Engineer at the CETIM, he was appointed in 1994 as Professor at the University of Technology of Troyes, France. From 2005 to 2010, he was Chair Professor and Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. From 2010 to 2013, he was the Dean of College of Science and Engineering at CityU. His primary research interest is advanced nanomaterials and its integration in mechanical and biomedical systems using the combination of experimental mechanics and mechanical simulation. He has also branched out into several other areas of interest including surface science and engineering, biomechanics, residual stresses, and mechanics of nanomaterials. He has published more than 350 SCI journal papers. He received the French Knight of the National Order of Merit and French Knight of the National Order of Légion d’Honneur in 2006 & 2017 respectively. He was elected as an academician by the National Academy of Technologies of France in 2011. He received the Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2018.



Title of presentation:

Recent development of Surface Modification : from Nanostructure to Supra-Nanostructure


JM_Jimenez_133_160.jpg José Miguel JIMENEZ

                                         Head of CERN Technology Department, Geneva Area, Switzerland


José Miguel Jiménez has a double diploma of Engineer and PhD in Applied Physics. After several internships in referent Labs, he joined the CEA Saclay (1991) to work on radiation tolerance of satellite’s electronics to proton’s bombardment. Then he completed a PhD on the performance of accelerating superconducting radiofrequency cavities for particle accelerators.

He joined CERN as a staff in 1994 as an expert in the area of vacuum technology for the energy upgrade of the Large Electron Positron Collider (LEP). He was designing, building, improving and operating different accelerators at CERN, including the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), developing at the same time his scientific career in the phenomena induced by the circulation of particle beams, and electron avalanche mechanisms in beams of high energies and intensities.

Since January 2014, he is leading the Technology Department of CERN, the world's largest centre of excellence in accelerator technologies with a team of more than 750 people. It also directs the research and development of new technologies necessary for future CERN projects in accordance with the recommendations of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. The main areas of activity of the department are magnets (normal and superconducting, pulsed, electrostatic and magnetic separators), integration and protection systems, power converters, cryogenics, ultra-high vacuum, plasma coatings and surface treatments.

Expert in the fields of vacuum technologies and beam-induced vacuum instabilities including electron cloud, he also coordinates the Long Shutdown 2 (2015-2020) across CERN accelerator complex and associated infrastructures. He is member of FAIR, ITER and CIEMAT Collaboration Steering Committees, he has been representing CERN management in several key internal administrative and safety roles.

He has contributed to more than a 100 publications, a third as main author on beam-induced instabilities, electron cloud and vacuum technology. As outreach, he gave more than 85 talks in international conferences and workshops and tenths of seminars in Institutes, Universities and Foundations. He has been also lecturer in the CERN Accelerator School (CAS) and in the Join University Accelerator School (JUAS).

He was awarded in 2016, a Spanish civil decoration — Encomienda (Commander Cross) — of the Order of Alfonso X the Wise, for his “outstanding experience in the field of research and scientific management in particle physics”.


Title of presentation:




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